3 Signs That It is Time to See a Therapist About Anxiety

23 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most people shuttle through life without being fully present in it. Often, you will find someone waking up in a state of inner chaos and going out to experience the same chaos everywhere they go. Mental health practitioners can help you find out that there is another way of being that does not involve daily chaos. They will walk with you through the path of discovering the source of your panic and taking active measures to resolve it. Here are three signs that it is time to see a competent therapist about your anxiety. 

Disproportionate Anger and Resentment

Many people do not even realise that they have anxiety as a background program running in their minds as they carry out their daily activities. As a result, they always feel fine but will snap at the slightest provocation. For example, if your child spilling some milk can send you into a panic and have you shouting at them about ruining the couch or other things that are beyond their comprehension, consider therapy. Disproportionate anger stems from deep-rooted fear and anxiety about situations that you subconsciously believe to be beyond your control. Therapy teaches you how to handle these difficult emotions for better outcomes. 

Inability to Go Out in Crowds

Another common challenge for people with anxiety is mixing and interacting with others. The disorder teaches you to become an introvert because that way you do not have to deal with people and situations you cannot control. However, it does not make any sense to lock yourself in your home all the time. Therapy helps you get to the root of the experiences that have conditioned your mind to believe that the world is unsafe. It gives you tips to help you regain a balanced life. 

Excessive Intrusive Thoughts

Anxiety is a disease of the mind. How it affects you depends solely on the thoughts that you entertain. If you have an anxiety disorder, you will have a hard time stopping yourself from going down the path of destructive thoughts. However, therapists can help you understand that clearing your mind of negative thoughts means occupying it with positive ones because your mind can never be blank. They will teach you how to change focus each time you feel you are going down the path of anxious thoughts.

Finding a competent therapist is the first step in dealing with anxiety. Quality therapy will give you better outcomes than medication because it teaches you to help yourself by aligning your subconscious to what you want.

Reach out to an anxiety counselling service to get started. 
